Sunday, July 27, 2008

mobius strip image

mobius strip image

Can you make a mobius strip image? It's not that hard really. You can use paper and glue. Computer models look even more cool if you have the right software.


Monday, July 21, 2008

mobius strip image

Welcome to the Mobius strip image. For those of you who don't know what a Mobius stip is, the instructions are simple. Take a long strip of paper and tape the ends together, but in a special way. Give the paper a half-twist before taping it so that you end up taping the back side of the paper to the front side. The result will look something like this:

mobius strip image

The Mobius Strip has some very special properties because of this. For example, because you taped the back side to the front side, the Mobius Stip is a one sided object. Also, because you taped the top edge to the bottom edge, it is a one-edged object. It starts looking really interesting when you try to straighten out the single edge into the shape of a circle (don't try this with an actual piece of paper!).

mobius strip image

mobius strip image

mobius strip image